Our Mission: Preparing disciples for the good adventure.
Our Vision: One joy-filled family on the good adventure.
Our Vision: One joy-filled family on the good adventure.
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Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston
Office of the Bishop August 31, 2024 Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Parish Attn: Rev. Dr. David D. Nerbun, STL, STD, Pastor P.O. Box 50665 Myrtle Beach, SC 29579 My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, The formation of your parish community has been a labor of love. I thank you for your generous commitment to Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Church and the growing community of faithful in this region of South Carolina. The Catholic Church, like most human communities, is governed by law. Ours is canon law. One of the basic principles of the canon is that each parish, designated a “juridic person” under canon law, must possess its own assets. As an example, a parish must own its own land and have its own bank accounts. This is one of the reasons your parish cannot build new structures on land owned by the Chancery. On this basis, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Parish exists separate and apart from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School. Both institutions must have their own property and be guided by clearly written agreements when one party’s facilities are used by the other. This is the law of the Universal Church. Nevertheless, the pastor is responsible for the souls in that parish territory. For many months, Chancery staff have worked with your parish to organize the sale of a portion of diocesan property to Frassati Church and have worked on a facilities usage agreement for Frassati’s use of SEAS facilities. The price agreed on for both the sale of property and the usage of SEAS facilities is far below fair market value. Now, the property sale to Frassati parish is complete and a facilities usage agreement has been executed for the next three years. It is exciting that you can begin planning for the construction of new facilities for your own parish. Click Here to read the full letter from the Most Rev. Jacques Fabre-Jeune, CS, Bishop of Charleston. New Multipurpose Building - Click HERE for more information.
His Excellency
Most Reverend Jacques Fabre-Jeune, CS By the Grace of God and Authority of the Apostolic See Bishop of Charleston, South Carolina Decree Erecting the Territorial Parish of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Given at Charleston, South Carolina, on the 6th day of February 2023. Check out our YouTube page: youtube.com/@frassaticatholicchurch SCAM EMAIL WARNING
Please ignore and delete any scam email sent by an imposter pretending to be our Pastor. Father would never send an email asking for a favor, money, or gift cards. Do not respond to any email request where the sender is asking for a favor, money, or gift cards. If you have any questions concerning a scam email you have received, please call the Church phone number. |
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Pier Giorgio Frassati Catholic Church
PO Box 50665 Myrtle Beach, SC 29579 Phone: 843-306-3025 Email: [email protected] Worship Schedule Seton School - 1300 Carolina Forest Blvd Weekend Mass Saturday (Vigil) 4:00pm Sunday 8:00am, 11:00am, 5:00pm Confession Saturday 2:30pm Sunday 10:30am, 4:30pm Frassati Hub - 215 Ronnie Ct Weekday Mass Schedule Monday 5:30pm / Wednesday 5:30pm Thursday 5:30pm / Friday 5:30pm Saturday 9:00am Confession* Mon/Wed/Thurs/Fri 4:45 pm Eucharistic Adoration* Mon/Wed/Thurs/Fri 4:45-5:15pm First Friday Nocturnal Adoration 6pm-9am *No Adoration or Confession before Mass on First Friday. |